Surfract develops three products for Fractal Analysis. For purchasing information see our Purchasing page.
Sfrax 1.0
Surfract is pleased to announce that Sfrax, an extensible Fractal Analysis platform is now available. Sfrax provides substantial improvements over the previous release (Kfrax). To register for a trial of sfrax please see our licensing page at:

New features include built in statistical differentiation and correlation as well as support for many more different analyses including:
- Area-scale, Length-scale Fractal Analyses
- Peak-to-Peak and Filling (2D / 3D) Analyses
- Length Scale Anisotropy, Digs and Scratches (Experimental)
In addition Sfrax provides an extensible interface that allows for additional analyses to be made available from both Surfract and third-parties.
To pre-order Sfrax please see our Purchasing page. For more information including system requirements see the Sfrax product page.
Kfrax Analysis DLL's
For integration with other systems, the, automation-compatible, Kfrax Analysis DLLS are available as a stand-alone product. Including Developer documentation and support from our development team, these DLLS will enable use of our proprietary analysis algorithms in your product. Features include:
- Support for the ASME B46 fractal standard
- A variety of Length, Area, and Volume-scale fractal analysis algorithms as well as the new Peak-to-Peak Length-scale algorithm.
- Comprehensive developer documentation
- Compatibility with many language environments including
- Visual C++/C#/Basic
- Matlab *(due to a recent bug in Matlab support in matlab is limited to Area-scale, we are working with Matlab support to resolve this problem)
- Surface data loading supporting
- PLu
- Limited support for Nanoscope files
- See our services page for information on how to add support for your data format.
- Surface transformations including
- Slope Filtering
- Rotations
- Leveling
- Valley / Peak Suppression
In collaboration with the University of Arkansas and National Science Foundation, Surfract has developed a tool to allow batching of Area-scale and Length-scale Anisotropy analyses as described in the Nature article Dental microwear texture analysis shows within species diet variability in fossil hominins.
This tool is available free of charge however it does require a license for the Kfrax Area-scale and Length-scale analysis dlls. For more information please contact us at